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The GYPSY Silver King 


Royal EJ covr 2010.jpg
Music Video Shy Anne - Silver Gypsy


"Whos your Daddy"

GDR  $30,000.00 ($30GDR) FUTURITY "Whose your Daddy"  Rules


  FREE registered Gypsy at Gypsy Dance Ranch(GDR) !  

$30k GDR Breeders FUTURITY   " Whose your Daddy?".


  1. Any/All "get" sired by Olivers God "O.G."  or Sir Royal Excalibur or Sir Royal Excalibur Silver Prince Qualifies. (GV00363, GV02200,  GV03229)  get from 2006 -  current   


  2. Nationals Grand or Reserve Champion halter winner, in stallion/colt, Gelding or Mare/filly  in OPEN  or          Amateur division Halter Class's only.   

  •                A .*Grand & Reserve Open Halter for Mare, stallion and Gelding  QUALIFY.

  •                     *Open halter classes does NOT  include :   Owner, "bred-in/by" or boutique halter classes.  


                 B. Qualifying Shows:

                     1) Feathered Classic Nationals in November(currently Tyler ,TX)

                     2) Columbia Gypsy  Nationals  (Currently   Bogota, Columbia)

                     3)  will add  Natl'l shows as needed

                  C. Start year: 2022 - 


   3. NO limits on winners  per year.   Annual Repeat winners welcome(no limit).


   4.  The $30,000.00  GDR furturity  applied towards a foal for sale at/by GDR. 

        ANY filly or colt, color, and sired by Olivers God "O.G.", Sir Royal Excalibur or Sir Royal Excalibur Silver Prince.          *30k applies toward ONE FOR SALE foal at Gypsy Dance Ranch(GDR).


   5.  30k applies to One GDR foal  of equal value or less. 

  • If foal sale value is less - additional/overage futurity dollars are  surrendered. 

  • If foal sale value is more- futurity dollars are applied toward foal value.




                     GDR  STARs  Award of Gypsy GOLD  of  Excellence for :

.                                   1. Any/All "get" sired by : (GV00363, GV02200,  GV03229)

                                           -Olivers God "O.G."  or Sir Royal Excalibur or Sir Royal Excalibur Silver Prince Qualifies.

                                    2.  Whom receives 4 or 5stars in BOTH evaluations.

                                                                  1. Confirmation  Evaluation 

                                                                  2. One Performance Evaluation

                                                                            *(english, western, driving)



30K recipient(s): Congradulations!!

     *2022 Grand Champion mare- GDR  SKY(sire O.G.) -

                proudly owned by Maria R.  / Bogota, Colombia 

GDR  STARs  Award- 

   *2022 Sir Royal Silver Prince


2022SKY_champ (2).jpg


 breeding the TRUE deep gypsy bloodlines of the legends,


the Romani gypsy  culture  and there beautiful horses  they developed over decades. 

"I am seeking.  I am striving.  I am in it with all my heart." Vincent van Gogh

Link reference to  Gypsy Sale  

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