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2021 Rocky COLT aka Clarion Call Rock Revival Denim Co  -<*PENDING*>  -

(Clarion Call Deuces by Pompeii in Demin x CC Moonflower) ***Double Pompeii & 3 generations of SD lines to Wooly Mammoth

Silver Dapple Blue Roan- (EE |nZ | Rn | nW20)   10 april 2021 / Exp.  13-13.2h  *PENDING*

**Very very Pretty Colt w/winning BLOODlines  for  Gypsy SMALLS breeding. Exp. 13.1h **avail. to right hom only.

*SIRE:  Clarion Call Deuces lines SD BleBell, SD Mr.Downs, Woolly Mammoth of North Fork

*DAM: Cabin Creek Moonflower by Bullet, lines of Gladstone Of Bayhaven, Rocking Horse,Pratt's Lady. Derby Horse.

ONly THE  BEST for only the BEST!    **FUN Fact: Very Special RARE Silver Dapple nZ COLT  with blue Roan gene-Rr <see below>


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WHAT's your Dam?     Chestnut, Black or Bay  +Rocky (EE+nZ+Rr) 
ROcky Hd_shot.jpg

BloodLines: Pompeii , Woolly Mammoth of North Fork, Silver Bullet

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2020 Rocky's  show-winner brother(same cross)

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